BizWorld launched its summer cohort of the exciting, life-changing YES! Program where high potential young entrepreneurs create and develop thriving businesses. YES! builds confidence and breaks down barriers to propel youth businesses to success.
We had a chance to interview Blank cosmetics, loomi hair, and body’s CEO, Cassandra McKay, who is focused on creating a hair product that will not only make you look your best, but also make you feel your best. We asked Cassandra some questions so we could learn more about how she plans on making a difference in the hair care industry.

Tell me a little bit about your company and what inspired you in starting Blank Cosmetics, Loomi Hair, and Body?
I was inspired by my family. I live in an all girl household, all of us have really beautiful natural hair. Me and my older sister’s hair is a little more manageable than my little sisters. I grew up watching my mom and my sisters struggle with finding hair products that worked. We finally found something that semi-worked, but then we realized that we didn’t even know what was in it. Once we looked up all these big words, we realized we were in the dark about our hair care- something that’s deeply rooted both physically and emotionally for many people, including us. I was then devoted to starting a line of cosmetics that customers could identify with. Not just an all natural line, but a fuse of science and nature to bring curly hair of all types to its best form.
What do you hope to learn and get out of the Yes! Program?
I want to learn more about the technological and legal side of a business. I want to gain social capital amongst my fellow cohort peers and beyond.
Where do you see your business in 5 years?
Hopefully at this point I will have enough revenue and fundraising money to have started my charity to families in need of quality hair and body care.
What inspired you to want to help boost girls’ self confidence?
Seeing my sisters and myself struggle with our hair during the school year and how it affected academic and at home behavior. At the end of the day, I am a scientist but any one can observe that when you don’t look your best, you don’t feel your best.
Who is your role model?
My older sister and mother. They have both shown me two very respectable but different paths in life.
What is your favorite hairdo?
Locs, I have never had them but my father did. I appreciate their beauty.