Rosio Cervantes, Mother of Dorian, a 5th Grade Elementary Student
Last month I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer at BizWorld Academy at Wells Fargo in San Francisco. Watching my son go through this academy to teach entrepreneurship and real-world skills to kids was such a treat. It is so incredible to see the kids and businesses in action. The children get the whole experience of running a business from paying salaries and purchasing materials to keeping track of all their finances. The program is teaching Dorian how to become a good communicator and how to work with other people. BizWorld is all encompassing, and gives so many opportunities to the kids!
I am so excited for the spanish version of the BizWorld program to come out. This will allow the organization to teach their programs and philosophies to more spanish-speaking students around the world! Thank you to your team and company for giving our kids this opportunity to learn and think about their futures. Dorian is very happy and I am excited as a parent! Thank you Wells Fargo!