Partners collaborates with innovative organizations to further our mission and provide engaging, project-based entrepreneurship and financial education curriculum to 3rd - 8th grade teachers and students across the globe, helping to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.
We're always interested in new opportunities to collaborate. If you are interested in becoming a partner of, please contact us.
A non-profit global network of entrepreneurs and professionals, established to foster entrepreneurship and nurture entrepreneurs.
The purpose of the California Jump$tart Coalition is to teach young people how to succeed with money, including organization, earning, spending, saving, investing and credit. Affiliated with the National Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.
Piggybackr is an online fundraising tool designed to help youth raise money for their projects, causes, and schools online. It's fun, educational, and safe for kids under 13. Teachers can either create a team fundraiser and work together with their class (safe for all ages) or encourage students over the age 13 to launch their own fundraising projects. Students learn how to fundraise using our online tools and resources and get sponsorship from friends, family, and businesses.
Check out a team of BizWorld alumni that have used Piggybackr to fund their innovative new venture! Learn More