Category: Draper Innovation Index News

Draper Innovation Index News
Wayne Veldsman

Draper Innovation Index US August 2024

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index U.S.States Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best Places to Launch a Startup Oakland, California – BizWorld announces the August 2024 update to the Draper Innovation Index U.S. (DII US), which evaluates each state’s innovation environment and entrepreneurship climate. Published monthly since 2021, the DII US provides the most well-rounded, up-to-date ranking of entrepreneurial locations, reflecting both traditional and emerging economic metrics, from taxes and regulations to venture capital investment, cryptocurrency friendliness, and blockchain investment trends. “Colorado rose to third place in the DII US this month on the back of strong performance across a wide variety of our data metrics and analytics,” said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. “Florida, Utah, and Texas’s long-running monopoly on our top three has finally been broken. Colorado broke into the top three through success on both sides of the entrepreneurship coin, investment – including crypto and blockchain-related investment – and new business formation.” Top Takeaways from the DII US August 2024 Update “California and New York, two of the three largest state economies, both fell down the ranks again this month,” said BizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. “This was due to weakness on a number of metrics, including a declining performance in Regulatory and Tax metrics for California. Both states have some of the nation’s highest tax rates, which have had a clear,  absolute knock-on effect on investors and entrepreneurs.” The DII US will continue to post monthly updates which can be accessed here. About BizWorld is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self-reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.

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Draper Innovation Index News

Draper Innovation Index Global August 2024

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index GlobalNations Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best Places Globallyto Launch a Startup Denmark and Singapore Rise in Top DII Global Top 10, Finland FallsNetherlands Moves into Top 10, New Zealand Falls OutChina Falls 7 Places to 64thSouth Korea Rises to 17thKyrgyzstan, Belize, and Tunisia ClimbBangladesh, Turkey, and Lebanon Fall Oakland, California – BizWorld announces its August 2024 update to the Draper Innovation Index Global (DII Global), which evaluates each nation’s ability to develop, support, and retain entrepreneurs, innovators, startups, and investors. First published in 2021, the DII Global provides the most well-rounded and up-to-date look at entrepreneurial environments across the globe. This month’s update includes an update replacing Chainanalysis’s Global Crypto Adoption Index with Triple-A’s Global Cryptocurrency Ownership metrics, the inclusion of investments by country into Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Machine Learning, and the quarterly update of the World Uncertainty Index. These additional and updated metrics both provide improved detail on global innovation and reflect investment trends into new and emerging technologies. “China fell across all three scenarios due in large part to our incorporation of Triple-A’s Global Cryptocurrency Ownership rankings,” said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. “Despite being the world’s largest country and the second largest economy, it is currently just 64th in our DII Global Balanced Scenario and 136th in Government Quality. If you look at this month’s top ten, on the other hand, it features much smaller economies such as Finland, Netherlands, and Singapore. Sheer size in terms economic activity, in other words, doesn’t necessarily lead to innovation and entrepreneurship. You also need a supportive government, regulatory, and social environment.” Top Takeaways from the DII Global August 2024 Update “The U.S. State Department’s ‘Do Not Travel’ advisories pushed two nations down the DII Global ranking leaderboard this month,” said BizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. “There are currently 21 countries with ‘Do Not Travel’ advisories. All rank near the bottom across all three DII Global scenarios, even those with larger economies like Russia. Even in a post-pandemic, digitally connected world, travel and in-person meetings are still deeply important for any economy – and getting cut off from global travel due to safety concerns affects a country’s overall economic outlook, particularly for investors, innovators, and entrepreneurs.” The DII Global will release monthly updates to continually reflect the latest developments in global innovation and entrepreneurship, available here. About BizWorld is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self-reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.

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Draper Innovation Index News

Draper Innovation Index Global July 2024

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index Global Nations Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best Places Globally to Launch a Startup Denmark Falls Sharply in DII Global Top 10 Canada, Australia and Sweden Rise in Top 10 Norway Continues to SlideSouth American Countries See Long-Term Positive Innovation TrendsJamaica, Ukraine, Belize, Ecuador ClimbNigeria, Mexico, Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey Fall Oakland, California – BizWorld announces its July 2024 update to the Draper Innovation Index Global (DII Global), which evaluates each nation’s ability to develop, support, and retain entrepreneurs, innovators, startups, and investors. First published in 2021, the DII Global provides the most well-rounded and up-to- date look at entrepreneurial environments across the globe. “This month features a spotlight on high-performing South American economies,” said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. “Countries such as Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile, which have all risen by dozens of ranks since we started the Draper Innovation Index, speaks to the impact that sound economic freedom policy can have. The DII Global rankings powerfully demonstrate that many South American countries have made major progress within fairly short time periods. In other words, if new leadership pursues economic freedom policies, nations can make a real difference in their entrepreneurial and innovation environment and therefore in the lives of their citizens.” Top Takeaways from the DII Global July 2024 Update South American Highlight on DII Global Emerging Innovation Rankings Since the start of the DII Global, several South and Central American countries have seen considerable improvements in their scores, largely due to new economic freedom policies “Leadership embracing economic freedom and crypto-friendliness were key factors in driving increased venture capital momentum and economic growth,” said BizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. “Collectively these countries have made notable strides putting economic freedom at the top of their respective policy priorities. As seen in most of the countries at the top of the global rankings, economic freedom, openness, and transparency are the best foundations for stable long-term economic success.” The DII Global will release monthly updates to continually reflect the latest developments in global innovation and entrepreneurship, available here.About BizWorld is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self- reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.

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Draper Innovation Index News
Wayne Veldsman

Draper Innovation Index US July 2024

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index U.S. States Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best Places to Launch a Startup North Carolina Overtakes Colorado for 4th in the DII USNew Hampshire Pushes Idaho Out of DII US Top 10 California Slips 2 Places to 13thMaine, Missouri, and Nebraska RiseConnecticut, Kansas, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and South Carolina Fall Oakland, California – BizWorld announces the July 2024 update to the Draper Innovation Index U.S. (DII US), which evaluates each state’s innovation environment and entrepreneurship climate. Published monthly since 2021, the DII US provides the most well-rounded, up-to-date ranking of entrepreneurial locations, reflecting both traditional and emerging economic metrics, from taxes and regulations to venture capital investment, cryptocurrency friendliness, and blockchain investment trends. “Venture Capital investment statistics played a major role in states rising or declining in the Draper Innovation Index US rankings this month,” said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. “This is as it should be, as the ability to attract new investment focused on entrepreneurship and innovation is a key indicator that says a lot about a state’s overall economic health – and how that economy is perceived around the world. At the end of the day, investors put their money where they see the best potential for economic growth and innovation, which is why both traditional venture capital and blockchain investments are key parts of our Top Takeaways from the DII US July 2024 Update “Maine saw the largest increase this month,” said BizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. “It climbed up all DII US three scenarios. Missouri and Nebraska also saw significant growth in the DII US rankings while Delaware and Utah remained in the top ten and were joined by New Hampshire. Smaller states, in other words, can achieve quite a bit of economic success by creating thriving entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems. Large state economies do not have a monopoly on growth or innovation.” The DII US will continue to post monthly updates which can be accessed here. About BizWorld is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self- reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.

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Draper Innovation Index News
Wayne Veldsman

Draper Innovation Index US June 2024

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index U.S.States Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best Places to Launch a Startup Oakland, California – BizWorld announces the June 2024 update to the Draper Innovation Index U.S. (DII US), which evaluates each state’s innovation environment and entrepreneurship climate. Published monthly since 2021, the DII US provides the most well-rounded, up-to-date ranking of entrepreneurial locations, reflecting both traditional and emerging economic metrics, from taxes and regulations to venture capital investment, cryptocurrency friendliness, and blockchain investment trends. “The impact of cryptocurrency/blockchain-related investments on this month’s rankings speaks to crypto’s growing impact on state economies,” said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. “It’s becoming clear that crypto is here to stay and has become a gamechanger. Along with other DeFi innovations, states should think intently about its potential long-term benefits and how that might align with economic strategy.” Top Takeaways from the DII US June 2024 Update “As you can see, in addition to cryptocurrency and blockchain investment trends, business formation statistics played a key role in whether states climbed up or fell down the DII rankings this month,” said BizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. “Throughout this project, we’ve frequently discussed the impact of various policies on an individual state’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. At the same time, however, it’s ultimately up to the entrepreneurs and investors themselves, not policymakers, to build and grow these ecosystems.” The DII US will continue to post monthly updates which can be accessed here. About BizWorld is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self-reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.

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Draper Innovation Index News
Wayne Veldsman

Draper Innovation Index Global June 2024

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index GlobalNations Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best Places Globally to Launch a Startup Oakland, California – BizWorld announces the June 2024 update to the Draper Innovation Index Global (DIIGlobal), which evaluates each nation’s ability to develop, support, and retain entrepreneurs, innovators, startups, and investors. First published in 2021, the DII Global provides the most well-rounded and up-to-date look at entrepreneurial environments across the globe. “The recent quarterly update to the World Uncertainty Index has had a significant impact on the rankings,especially positive for many South American countries” said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. “Argentina andFrance have risen due to their performance on this index, while China and Sweden have fallen. Certainty,stability, and economic freedom are of course essential components of any successful start-up andinvestment climate and maintaining economic stability should be a key policy goal for any nation.” Top Takeaways from the DII Global June 2024 Update “Individual currencies’ performances relative to bitcoin were key factors in all three scenarios,” saidBizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. “While this reflects the ongoing economic impact ofcryptocurrency, it also speaks to something much more fundamental, which is that sound fiscal policy isthe key foundation of any business climate. As Tim pointed out, stability is a key to business and investmentdecisions, and that is especially true of fiscal stability.” The DII Global will release monthly updates to continually reflect the latest developments in global innovation and entrepreneurship, available here. About BizWorld is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self-reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.

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Draper Innovation Index News

BizWorld Acquires Draper Innovation Index

The Draper Innovation Index Will Help BizWorld Propel Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Worldwide Oakland, Calif., March 20, 2024 — BizWorld, a global non-profit organization founded in 1997 by Tim Draper and led by CEO Charlene Vaca, is excited to announce its acquisition of the Draper Innovation Index, a powerful tool for tracking global innovation and entrepreneurship trends. Formerly operated by the Draper Hero Institute, the Draper Innovation Index now joins BizWorld’s arsenal of resources aimed at empowering youth with entrepreneurial skills. With over 850,000 youth served since its inception, BizWorld has long been at the forefront of youth entrepreneurship education. The acquisition of the Draper Innovation Index marks a strategic move to expand BizWorld’s reach and deepen its impact on innovation and entrepreneurship policies globally. Charlene Vaca, CEO of BizWorld, expressed enthusiasm for the acquisition, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome the Draper Innovation Index into the BizWorld family. By integrating this invaluable tool, we aim to not only expand our reach but also deepen our analysis of innovation and entrepreneurship metrics.” Vaca highlighted BizWorld’s plans to enhance the Draper Innovation Index by incorporating additional educational and youth entrepreneurship metrics. “Strong entrepreneurship education is the bedrock of a vibrant, innovative business climate,” Vaca emphasized. “Through the Draper Innovation Index, we hope to showcase the pivotal role of entrepreneurship education in fostering innovation and driving economic growth.” The acquisition of the Draper Innovation Index aligns with BizWorld’s mission to equip youth with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in an increasingly competitive and dynamic world. By integrating this tool into its offerings, BizWorld aims to inspire the next generation of innovators and changemakers, empowering them to shape a brighter future. “We believe that every child has the potential to be an entrepreneur and a catalyst for positive change,” said Tim Draper, Founder of BizWorld and the Draper Innovation Index. “By comparing countries and states for their innovation and entrepreneurship readiness, we aim to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes on a global scale. We are excited to amplify the impact of the Draper Innovation Index, reaching new audiences and driving meaningful progress in the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship education.” By harnessing the power of the Draper Innovation Index, BizWorld reaffirms its commitment to nurturing innovation and cultivating a generation of entrepreneurial leaders poised to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. About BizWorld: is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self-reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, programs teach students real-world 21st-century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs.

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