Draper Innovation Index US August 2024
BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index U.S.States Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best Places to Launch a Startup Oakland, California – BizWorld announces the August 2024 update to the Draper Innovation Index U.S. (DII US), which evaluates each state’s innovation environment and entrepreneurship climate. Published monthly since 2021, the DII US provides the most well-rounded, up-to-date ranking of entrepreneurial locations, reflecting both traditional and emerging economic metrics, from taxes and regulations to venture capital investment, cryptocurrency friendliness, and blockchain investment trends. “Colorado rose to third place in the DII US this month on the back of strong performance across a wide variety of our data metrics and analytics,” said BizWorld founder Tim Draper. “Florida, Utah, and Texas’s long-running monopoly on our top three has finally been broken. Colorado broke into the top three through success on both sides of the entrepreneurship coin, investment – including crypto and blockchain-related investment – and new business formation.” Top Takeaways from the DII US August 2024 Update “California and New York, two of the three largest state economies, both fell down the ranks again this month,” said BizWorld Chief Economic Advisor Dr. Wallace Walrod. “This was due to weakness on a number of metrics, including a declining performance in Regulatory and Tax metrics for California. Both states have some of the nation’s highest tax rates, which have had a clear, absolute knock-on effect on investors and entrepreneurs.” The DII US will continue to post monthly updates which can be accessed here. About BizWorld BizWorld.org is a global non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, whose mission is to enable youth from all backgrounds to unlock the power of entrepreneurship to create career opportunities, inspire self-reliance, and build confidence that drives economic prosperity globally. Founded over 25 years ago by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, BizWorld.org programs teach students real-world 21st century skills and leadership that encourage them to become responsible leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. More than 850,000 students in more than 100 countries have participated in BizWorld programs. https://www.bizworld.org/