Draper Innovation Index_Full Color_Wordmark

Tracking the growth trends of innovation and entrepreneurship
across the globe and the United States.

BizWorld Youth

The DII Amplifies BizWorld’s Impact

Created by Tim Draper and acquired by BizWorld in 2024, the Draper Innovation Index is a cutting-edge tool that evaluates and ranks nations based on their innovation potential. This unique measurement system analyzes the fundamental factors that enable entrepreneurship to flourish—from policy frameworks to startup support.

Through this powerful resource, we’re strengthening the connection between traditional learning and the global business community, while reinforcing entrepreneurial education as a pathway to innovation.

Latest DII News

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index U.S.States Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best...

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index U.S.States Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best...

BizWorld Updates Monthly Draper Innovation Index U.S.States Compete to Land in Top Ten of Best...

"We believe that every child has the potential to be an entrepreneur and a catalyst for positive change. By comparing countries and states for their innovation and entrepreneurship readiness, we aim to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes on a global scale. We are excited to amplify the impact of the Draper Innovation Index, reaching new audiences and driving meaningful progress in the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship education."

Tim Draper, Founder

How the DII Drives Innovation

The Draper Innovation Index stands apart through its unique entrepreneurial perspective, measuring innovation from a venture capital standpoint rather than traditional academic metrics. Our comprehensive analysis spans:

  • Government Quality & Regulatory Environment
  • Social Factors & Quality of Life
  • Cryptocurrency Adoption & Financial Innovation
  • Economic Indicators
  • Innovation Environment
  • Venture Capital Momentum
  • Corporate Tax Structure

Utilize The Index Yourself

Make smarter decisions about global innovation and entrepreneurship. Whether you’re an investor exploring opportunities, a policymaker shaping strategy, or an educator teaching real-world business, the Draper Innovation Index gives you the data you need.


We’re proud to accept donations of cryptocurrencies via our partnership with Every.org. You may please donate directly through our donation portal here.

Stock Transfer

For information about electronic transfers or to donate stock or appreciated securities please send us a message here now.

Donor Advised Fund

Making a donation through your Donor-Advised Fund is simple and impactful!

How to Give:

  1. Directly through DAF Direct: If your DAF sponsor is supported, use their portal to make your gift directly.
  2. Mail or Wire: Direct your DAF sponsor to send a check or wire funds to:
    BizWorld Foundation
    Tax ID: 94-3280297
    344 Thomas L. Berkeley Way, Suite 111, Oakland, CA 94612


Helpful Tips:

  • Use our tax ID (94-3280297) when searching for BizWorld Foundation in your DAF sponsor’s directory to ensure your donation is correctly processed.
  • If your DAF is with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you can use their portal for easy gifting.
  • You may designate your gift for a specific program or initiative in the “designation” field if your DAF sponsor allows.


Thank you for supporting BizWorld Foundation and helping us equip young entrepreneurs to unlock their potential!

ACH or Wire

Please submit a contact form now for information about electronic transfers or to donate stock or appreciated securities.

Mail Check

You can mail a check made payable to BizWorld.org to: BizWorld.org
344 Thomas L. Berkeley Way, Suite 111
Oakland, CA 94612