Wendy Tibbs
Bizworld ID8 is a stellar addition to my gifted curriculum. Students were immediately hooked on this new concept because, who doesn’t want to be on the cutting edge of app development?!
Bizworld ID8 is a stellar addition to my gifted curriculum. Students were immediately hooked on this new concept because, who doesn’t want to be on the cutting edge of app development?!
My students absolutely loved working through the ID8 program! Their experience with ID8 gave them teamwork skills, confidence in working with a group of peers & presenting to venture capitalists and most certainly got their creative juices flowing. They loved getting to create an app mockup and design their own websites! This was such a fun program!
id8 challenged students by allowing them to engage in creative problem solving with a relevant, real world problems in meaningful ways, while learning about entrepreneurship, teamwork, and digital tools.
We use this program as a project based learning experience to understand business and leadership. Students had lots of fun as they learned.
Students had to learn how to negotiate group work. This was really challenging for some of them. I love students excitement as they realize that they can make movies too.
Students had an increased interest in Entrepreneurship. My most memorable moment was the parents and students raving over the experience.
Students who may have been quiet and more reserved begin to show leadership qualities as they use their personal skills to benefit their company.
After negotiating with the VCs to get a higher stock price, one student told me today, “I’ve never negotiated with anyone other than my mom. I don’t even ask my friends if I can have a bite of their food. I thought it would feel rude to ask for more money, but it wasn’t, and it worked!
BizWorld was my favorite unit to teach with 5th graders. I am a huge fan. I loved the multi faceted learning opportunities afforded to my students. They looked forward to being in 5th grade because they knew they would get to do this unit. Student engagement and collaboration were never higher!
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