
"You've had a great impact on the over 200 students ..."

By Sherri Wright, Teacher, Hidden Hills Elementary

We are so grateful for everything the BizWorld staff did for us, and that you allowed us to participate this year in the Education Riskmaster Luncheon competition. I’ve encouraged the students to write a book about their experience that they can share with others to inspire them and teach them a little about what it takes to start a business. We’re also going to order a few more products from you so that we can do two sessions of BizClub after the first of the year. The students who participated last year are excited to lead it.

I think the letters from our students speak for themselves about the impact this experience had on them. I’m sure they’ll keep in touch. Please thank the anonymous donor who so generously gave each of the other schools $1000. That was such a wonderful thing to do. I was sitting there wishing I could afford to do something like that for the other schools too.

Once again, we are grateful to you and your team. I personally have loved the opportunities you have given me. It’s one of those things that words or gifts don’t quite express the deep appreciation. When I see young people empowered to learn in real world ways through a simulated experience, I know their learning won’t just last for a day or a month - but it will last a lifetime. You’ve had a great impact on the over 200 students that I’ve personally worked with using your model, and I wish you continued success.

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